Application and Enrollment Process
Application and Enrollment Information
Thank you for your interest in Gulf Coast Elementary School, a Florida public tuition-free public charter elementary school.
By design, the school offers a small, family-oriented, caring environment with an educational program that encourages interest in STEAM subjects. Students receive weekly scheduled access to our "Makerspace" where they can build, design, code, and create projects while completing quarterly challenges. This elementary school has an Extended School Day for enrichment, academic support, and skills remediation. Our Reading Program takes center stage embracing the new B.E.S.T. Standards that include novels and traditional literature in addition to vocabulary, cursive writing, and mastery of the English language. Our science program teaches concepts by demonstration, observation, and investigation and our Social Studies program strives to make the geography and culture of the world a part of daily discussion. Mathematics instruction addresses the new B.E.S.T. standards providing benchmark goals and examples of real-world applications. GCES will offer expanded learning opportunities through the Experiential Activity Program (EAP) where each grade level participates in an age-appropriate monthly activity with their class. In essence, GCES offers a program where Technology, Science, Mathematics, Engineering & Art Collide!
Since the number of applicants for a particular grade level may exceed the positions available, a random selection process (or lottery) will be used to determine enrollment. Sibling, staff, or Founding board preference must be declared prior to the application process. Students who are not initially selected for enrollment will be placed on a numbered waiting list and will be notified if a position becomes available. See attached Lottery Procedures and Rules.
Changing your child's elementary school is an important decision that requires some thought and considerable research. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about our unique educational program and answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to read through Answers to Frequently Asked Questions posted on this website under the ANSWERS tab. If you should have any additional questions we invite you to contact us using the email address provided.
GCES does not wish for our monthly STEM fees to be an enrollment barrier. If your family is experiencing financial hardship or unemployment please contact the school office as we have several options to offer you. Enrollment is not contingent upon payment of fees.
Please send all correspondence to info@gulfcoastelementary.org